As their business expands, TOI was searching for a new and unique office experience to engage their clients and show them why they are the smart choice. Everything was designed from the ground up to meet TOI's user experience requirements. A trusting environment is created in the front of the office to keep the client comfortable. Selected music, special scents, fresh coffee, and the warmth of the people who works at TOI give a unique touch to their excellent service. While the front part of the office is client oriented, the back of the office is focused on staff confort, performance, and simplicity.
Pilot office in Monterrey.
If you need a quote for a project, just give us a call or send us an e-mail. Big or small, we can always help you with your project no matter where you are.
Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos 3118 ote.
El Rosario, León, Guanajuato, CP 37125.